Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dear Mama-jama

Well... this blog has served it purpose. I needed to get things off my chest and here they all are for you to have fun with. Some of it I should not have said. But that's ok. I got it all out. You could say that this blog has been one big enema for me!!! LOL.
Moving along... I think that I will retire this blog for the time being. Yes there is more that I wanted to say. But when you reach the point where you are happy again... well, you don't really need to vent to the whole world any more. So... stay tuned for weekly or monthly updates. But it won't be an every day thing any more.
This Blog has indeed served its purpose. And I feel I can move on with whatever is to come next.
Yes, I miss what I had for six years of my life. That's a long time... it's hard not too. But I wish her the best... and maybe there is a friendship there when she feels she is ready.
College and Human Resources await. And yes... the bread baker keeps on delivering.

Toodles until something worthwhile like the beginning of school happens.
Oh, and a very special picture for those who love something a bit silly.

Friday, August 18, 2006

super friends

Office Space Meets SuperFriends!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pomme de Terre - the apple of the Earth

Teaching French to English raised children is both a challenge and a reward. Sitting down with them and going over the various words and finding way to help them remember their vocabulary is tricky. My favourite word to this point has to be "Poubelle" which means "garbage" or "trash can". Broken down into its two syllables - Pou and Belle - I've told the children that have to learn this word that as long as they remember that to say garbage in french all they have to do is think of Beautiful Poo then arrange it in the proper order.
First they say "Poo" then they say "belle". As many of you already know, "belle" in French means beautiful or pretty. Hence, when you want to say trash can in French just think of beautiful poo! It should give you a laugh.


Monday, August 07, 2006

so whatcha whatcha whatcha want?

Beastie Boys... Check your Head. Good Album.
Hmmmm... really hard to squeeze juice out of a rock. Don't know if I have the tools to do it. Still going to try. Step back. Breathe. Exhale. Inhale. In through the nose out through the mouth.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Remind me when to wake up.

Refreshing as it is... the dream must come to an end at some point. Doesn't it? Nothing too perfect can ever last forever... right? The lost summer of 2006. One month left. Thank you for this summer in advance! Thank you for the chance at challenging myself and finding that I am worth it.
Oh, and a friendly hello to my Aunt and Uncle. I'll be back in Barrie soon... the Valley is a trek for another day, however.

Toodles ladies and gentlemen, toodles.


Watching the Hindi version of E.T. is so different. I sat... and saw this blue alien come down and give this man, who was for all intents and purposes mentally handicapped, special powers to overcome the bad guys. So the guy gets the girl and overcomes all obstacles with the help of his blue friend that looks like Piranha/lizard boy. Where can I get me one of those?
While it wasn't always easy to read the subtitles and some of the humour didn't make any sense to me... the thing that I liked about the movie was that it involved so many different aspects of entertainment. It was a musical where a musical wasn't necessary... and they changed outfits like 5 times during each song. Reminds me of some of the more wonderful movies from my childhood... where every other word was a song.
Do I wish that Hollywood followed suit? Maybe not... then we would have to be in theatres for longer... I guess the story is what it is... entertaining. But there has to be a way to incorporate songs (story relevant songs and not soundtrack) into the movie. These songs, in the Hindi E.T. (although handy E.T. is not the real name of the movie) were totally forced... but music is so common to our lives... why does it ever need to be forced?

Movies should have built in music if you catch my drift... Sure soundtracks capture the mood... but built in music enriches the scenes and adds entertainment... Try to think about that next time you're directing a movie!
E.T. in Hindi Vision!!!

Toodles once again.