Thursday, November 01, 2007

Another couple of months


It seems that you're the only one who will be reading this Blog any time soon, so I thought that I should welcome you as a new "subscriber". This is a tiny bit of me. It was written at my lowest in a decade... maybe even the lowest that I've been since my mom passed away. But, since that time, I've been able to calm my nerves and regroup.

It wasn't easy for me.

I don't write here any more... maybe I'll start again. But, for the moment, the blog is here to remind me of how bad it can get and how I can get through it.

I realized at some point that I was talking too much on this thing... and that I didn't really need to tell everyone every thing that was going through my mind. And when I realized that... I found that there was really no reason for a Blog.

I knew that I was better because I didn't have to say anything any more... I was finally ok with where I was at. And, that's how you find me. ok with where I'm at and looking to make things better.

Have fun with my blog! LOL... and I'll talk to you later!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Been a while...


Just working. That's about it... I've realized that working is fun in the sun. But, it's time I should be moving on! So, if anyone needs a bilingual Human Resource Generalist, drop me a line!

bilingual - French and English!

um... I'm a hard worker... LOL...

No, seriously ... I am.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Journal entry 1

Now, that I've officially scared everyone away from looking at my site... I can use this as a journal to share thoughts.

Last night I went out... on a Thursday... before a work day.
It would be ok if I never did this... if this was the first time and I wasn't getting up at 6 the next morning...
but this is like every week, multiple times a week...
I need more sleep.
I need less partying.
My lifestyle currently does not match my paycheck!

Well, I am having oodles of fun!

We'll see.....

Thursday, June 28, 2007

1 year later...

Do you feel it?
Do you feel that you were able to overcome maybe one of the most devastating loses in your life...
Ya... I do feel that.
Now what, though???
I have new and better friends.
I have a new and better job.
I am thinking of moving out.

And it makes me wonder still...

MY COUSIN has a baby!!! LOL...
Welcome Isabella Lee Ross!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Freedom is a Road

Dear all,

Another 6 exams done... waiting for Co-op to start. My back hurts. My eyes hurt. Christmas used to be fun... didn't it??? Anyway... I think I am finally back to normal... finally.

Not much else is going on. Well, maybe a few things here and there... but you'll hear about them over Turkey and stuffing and... whatnot.

To those I won't see... Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and all those wonderful holidays in between.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Still Alive, barely...


6 exams, 4 assignments, and one presentation later... I am still living... tomorrow is my first co-op interview... wish me luck. I hope yee be good! Oh... and I did live through the run! Things be brewing...

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Running a Marathon Tomorrow!


Running the Toronto Marathon tomorrow. If I die during the jog... then it was a bad idea to run a marathon! Yes, you can have my CD collection!

Day have you good. All your base are belong to us.