Check out the new songs on the right when you get a chance!!! Totally melowed out.
When you come to this point in your life... you only want to surround yourself with the positive people. Nida Shahid might not always be positive... but if there is a person you can count on to be there for you when times are tough... it's probably going to be her.
There we were, Tim Horton's. Talking over two paper cups filled with tea. I hadn't seen her in about a month... mistakenly thought that she had done something to her hair. We talked about hypocrisy, and drama, and new people and making it out of life alive. Both looking for something more... both hoping that the other person finds something great. That's the type of friend I need.
And those are the type of friends that I have. The kind that are there for life and that will listen and that will put up with it all and won't tell me that I am annoying. The type that tell me that it is not a burden to help me when I am down.
I've had a really bad 2006 so far. I lost a dog (although that was in 2005 still, which makes me hope that the end of 2006 will have something good for me), I lost a job, I didn't get into my PhD, I didn't get into teacher's college, and to top it all off... Well, maybe that's a story for another post.
These last few months have been the turn around. Back to school! Business program and I better not even think of slacking because one year from now I plan on getting paid. New girl... that is amazing and challenging and makes me want to be better... but, if nothing else, has reminded me that I am worth it.
And things are looking up.
But in my darkest hour... when other's turned their back on me and showed their true colours... real friends were there for me... and I won't forget it.
Thank you to these people and may Zeus strike me down with a bolt of lightning if I forget their help ever:
Barbara who shared her story and made me feel that it was ok to be who I was and ALWAYS TOOK MY SIDE... I might have been wrong... but she sure never made me feel that way.
Kevin, who was a friend again in a split second. Who never really stopped being a friend. Who I should have hung out with more often.
A. S., Because I know he'll thinks it's gay that I mention him in my Blog, I'm just going to use his initials... he's a smart guy who speaks his mind... and his story of his breakup helped me deal with my own. He might have given me some false hope... but in the end it was worth every minute.
Nigmendra Narain... who was awesome in so many ways that it's not even easy to talk about... you're just there for me... we don't have to talk about breakups or anything... talking politics is a good enough escape.
Dave for being a cousin and for being a good one. For never having anything against me although he could have held a lot against me. I hope his flight lands ok tonight!!! Sorry that your honeymoon is over.
George who is a good friend to my cousin and is a good guy to have around... I look forward to years of laughter with that guy.
Elaine C. Who had no reason to be my friend again but was anyways...
Ben and the rest of my students who loved me as a TA and who will always remind me that I am indestructible.
And there is always the rest of the crowd from my Masters who worked really hard to build me up again... all of them... all of them.
Lastly, to a good friend who I hope stays around for a good long time... Nida. We should have coffee at least once a month like you said. And I hope that we are friends for a long time like I hope that I am friends with all these people for a long time.
I've made that promise before: "friends for life" and I haven't always kept it... but these people have shown me that I was their friend when times were rough... I'm not going to turn my back on them when times are good or bad.

Cheers to friends... the ones that are positive and don't turn their backs on you no matter how low you get.
Cheers to all of you! Here's to moving forward! Here's to honesty! Here's to enjoying life!